I was 2nd Radio Officer aboard the British cargo ship OSWESTRY GRANGE, which sailed regularly between the UK and the River Plate, from June 1958 until February 1959. At the beginning of October 1958, we were in Avonmouth (Bristol), when the "Tiger Bay" cast and crew came aboard to film the dock scenes, which were supposed to be in Barry. The ship's name was over-painted with the name LA PALOMA, and the white Maltese Cross on the funnel was transformed into a white square. When we sailed, we had to have our correct ship's name painted on boards, which were suspended over the bows, and only removed when filming was taking place. Our unique funnel must have caused a lot of puzzlement aboard other ships.
We then sailed up and down the Bristol Channel for a few days, while the filming of John Mills' arrival and boarding from the pilot boat, as well as the chase and jump involving the Hayley Mills character, took place. The jump was performed by a stunt woman, who was very much bigger than Hayley. It was a cold day, and the Bristol Channel looked very uninviting, but the stunt girl was cheerful and unperturbed. Fortunately for her, only one take was needed! The film people, including John and Hayley Mills, were very friendly. Of course, we had no idea what it was all about.
I didn't manage to see the film until I was serving with the Zim Israel line, when it was shown in a cinema on Mount Carmel in Haifa in June 1960. I'd expected to see myself in the scene where the ship was leaving Barry docks (i.e., Avonmouth), but I'd ended up on the cutting room floor.
I now have the film on DVD, and love re-watching it, because it's a really good film, with an amazing performance by Hayley Mills, and also, of course, because I can see my old ship again, and recall my youth and those fascinating days with the cast and crew.