Edward D. Wood Jr. wrote the film's screenplay under the pseudonym Akdon Telmig, which is one letter away from being Vodka Gimlet spelled backwards.
When a caveman carries a cave-woman into the cave, Bangor (like a doorman standing at the entrance) stamps the woman's behind with a mark in red ink. This is like a modern-day doorman stamping the backs of hands of customers with ink when they enter a nightclub.
This film has lots of sex; for example: a man and a woman having sex, two lesbians having sex, three women having sex (a lesbian ménage à trois), etc. And, since it is an Ed Wood film, there is a gorilla mating with a cave-woman.
Hand-thrown spears are ineffective against the Tyrannosaurus rex. This movie shows the invention of the bow and arrow (which kills the T-rex). When asked what he calls his new weapon, the inventor - in typical Ed Wood fashion - holds up the arrow and says "Bow!" Then he holds up the bow and says "Arrow."