This film essentially begins with two young sisters named "Penny" (Nanci Sheldon) and "Patricia" (Crusty Beal) arriving in a small town to live with their aunt and uncle for awhile. Also living in the house are their cousins named "Aubrey" (John Talt) and "Edwina" (Julie Conners) who are both kind of strange. Anyway, one thing leads to another and soon Penny decides to get involved with a guy named "Gentry" (unknown actor) who rides a motorcycle and harbors a secret that he doesn't want anybody to know about. Unfortunately, once the secret becomes known death and destruction quickly follows. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film had me both puzzled and bored very early on and this lasted until the rather bizarre ending. That said, I don't understand the current rating (of 5.5) on IMDb and can only conclude that I must have seen an edited version of this movie because--quite frankly--the acting wasn't good, the plot was jumbled and the picture quality could have used significant improvement as well. In any case, I didn't particularly care much for this movie and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.