Confessions Among Actresses is a hard film to rate, and at the same time, a difficult one to talk about coherently. It's the second film by Yoshishige Yoshida that I've seen, and even though it was shorter by about 90 minutes than that other one (Eros + Massacre), I found it a good deal more challenging.
I mean, I don't think I would've had any idea what was going on if I hadn't the short plot synopsis, stating that it's about three different actresses who all have traumatic events from their past which served as reasons for becoming actresses.
It all feels very deliberate, and I do get the sense it's tackling some heady themes surrounding identity, art, and the exploitation of women within the film industry. But it is just so dense and obscure to me that I can only just barely appreciate it, and from a huge distance away at that. It's a film that went so high over my head it's now orbiting the planet.