Roger Corman was so impressed with Celeste Yarnall that he offered her the lead role in his next horror feature for New World Pictures. But she backed out at the last minute because she was offered a small part in Michael Winner's The Mechanic (1972). She took that role because Winner promised her a better part in his next movie Scorpio (1973), however he ended up giving that role to Gayle Hunnicutt. Yarnall admitted passing on Corman's film turned out to be a bad career move.
The sequence at the bus station was shot in downtown Los Angeles without permits.
Celeste Yarnall said in an interview that she didn't want to perform nude on screen; in fact she turned down previous roles because of it. Then she got divorced and really needed the money, so she took this role and agreed to get naked so she could pay her mortgage. The set was closed but she still felt very uncomfortable taking off her clothes in front of the mostly male crew.
Michael Blodgett covered his private parts with masking tape for his nude love scene in the living room with Celeste Yarnall.