The LZ36 of history first flew on 8 March 1915 and was operated by the German navy (not the army) as 'L9'. The ship carried out 74 reconnaissance missions in the North Sea, four air-raids on England dropping 5683kg of bombs, and several attacks on British submarines. It caught fire and was destroyed in its shed at Fuhlsbuttel on 16 September 1916 together with L6.
Tragedy struck during the production when a plane and a helicopter collided and four people were killed, including second unit cameraman Skeets Kelly.
The exterior shots of the German airship sheds were in fact filmed on location at Cardington, Bedfordshire. These were the original sheds which became home to the British airships R100 and R101. In more recent years, Shed No.2 was used by Warner Brothers as a film set for Batman Begins (2005).