- [first lines]
- [man throws cup on sidewalk]
- William Dorn: You just littered the street.
- Pedestrian on sidewalk: But it was empty.
- William Dorn: Well, I want you to go back and pick up your trash.
- Pedestrian on sidewalk: What?
- William Dorn: I said I want you to go back and pick it up.
- Pedestrian on sidewalk: Like hell I will.
- William Dorn: It's people like you that make our world filthy my friend. You're a pig! Did you hear what I said? Tell me.
- Pedestrian on sidewalk: It's people like me that make our world filthy, I'm a pig.
- William Dorn: Now, go back and pick up your trash. Put it in your pocket. Now, don't you feel better?
- [pedestrian walks off with no reply]