Just before bomb #20 explodes, Pinback takes off his earphones, but they are back on a second later.
When Doolittle is talking to Bomb #20, the stars in the background change between shots.
When Boiler and Pinback are fighting in the corridor, the gun that Boiler dropped at the beginning of the fight is on the deck not far in front of them, but when they stop fighting and climb the ladder back to the control room, the gun is not there.
The incoming message at the beginning of the movie says that there is a 10 year lag time, and that Dark Star is 18 parsecs from Earth.
18 Parsecs is 58.7 light years, therefore any radio transmissions from Earth would take 58.7 years to reach the ship, traveling at the Speed of Light: the perceived fastest velocity that radio waves can travel.
But, being that the Dark Star has an advanced technological propulsion system which provides it the ability to travel significantly faster-than-light to its various destinations, it is entirely feasible that there also exists advancements in technology which allows forms of communication to be transmitted faster-than-light as well.
[37:50]In the elevator shaft, Pinback's long hair keeps on pointing towards the wall whenever he moves his head away from it, revealing the shaft to be a tunnel, with him laying on the ground instead of standing on the ledge.
During the elevator sequence, which was actually shot horizontally in a corridor, you can occasionally see the plank on which Pinback was lying.
When Sgt. Pinback is chasing the "alien" through the bowels of the ship, one of the poorly lit rooms is actually an air conditioning plant for a large building. Ducting and filter housings are clearly seen, as can a conventional light switch and conduit on the wall.
[1:10:21]The bomb timer counts down as usual on the hours:minutes:seconds part, but the 3-digit milliseconds display counts up (this can be seen in real time on the tenths digit).
[48:33]When Pinback says, "Now it's time to go sleepy-bye, you worthless piece of garbage" before shooting the alien, his mouth actually says "worthless piece of crap."
When Boiler exclaims "The gun!" and tells Pinback that he can use the gun to shoot the pins off Bomb #20, the dialogue doesn't match their lips. The reason for this is, when the film was expanded from the original student film to a feature, this part story line was changed slightly, and re-dubbed.
The original dialogue for this scene refers to a lost "Fail-Safe Key," which Pinback and Boiler frantically look for on the bridge. The line Boiler exclaims in the original is "The Key!" A surprised Pinback yells "Key? Key? What is the key?" Boiler responds "No, no, the key, the key to the fail-safe lock! Where is the fail-safe key?"
The original dialogue for this scene refers to a lost "Fail-Safe Key," which Pinback and Boiler frantically look for on the bridge. The line Boiler exclaims in the original is "The Key!" A surprised Pinback yells "Key? Key? What is the key?" Boiler responds "No, no, the key, the key to the fail-safe lock! Where is the fail-safe key?"
When Pinback darts the alien, there is a flash and "gunshot" type sound; the gun is actually a standard veterinary tranquilizer gun, which uses CO2.
Lt Doolittle's cloth name tape on his uniform is spelled/misspelled "DOOLTTLE", obvious in the first scene in the Food Locker.
[49:34]When Doolittle looks at the food tray he says; "Chicken again!", but the trays are labeled Brussels sprouts.