In first place: Excuse me for my English; I don't speak this language.
While it is true that this film isn't a true reflection and exact of thread of events that get passed in measure that one go reading Lewis Carrll's book (as this film is an adaptation in form Musical) the film itself shows us another different perspective of this Story; but without distorting the essence present in Carroll's original version.
The film not only added some scenes or situations that are not originally present in the book; but also added brand new characters as is the case of "Lester", the Royal Jester, that within the plot of the film is a character who serves to be as an Alicia's assistant that appearing only when she needs him, exactly so, like what he is: A buffoon, Lester becomes for Alicia, something like the Joker that she needs when she is in trouble, he is the Ace that she has hided up her sleeve. The musical numbers in the film are also very nice and funny. In my opinion I think that this film should see any children aged 7 to 12 years old, which is the stage of their lives when they are a mix of children and teenagers.
We remember that the Alicia is in the book "Through the Looking Glass" she is much less child-girl, that another Alicia what we read in the book of "Wonderland", when Lewis Carroll wrote "Through the Looking Glass" he knows that true Alice soon be a woman and she will make her life as a woman married to another man, and most likely, what not be him.-