Thunderbirds Are GO (1966)
Ray Barrett: John Tracy, The Hood
[first lines]
Glenn Field Controller : This is Assembly Control calling all Zero X units. Assembly Phase One - go!
Glenn Field Controller : Dr Grant, Dr Pierce, can you hear me?
Dr. Tony Grant : Loud and clear.
Glenn Field Controller : Paul. Greg. Brad. Now this is a tough assignment. And if this mission is successful, you will be the first men to land on Mars. This project has been the most costly yet designed by man. However, the safety and security of the crew and and passengers still takes top priority. Is that completely understood? Captain Paul Travers?
Captain Paul Travers : Yes sir.
Glenn Field Controller : Space Captain Greg Martin?
Space Co-pilot Greg Martin : Yes sir.
Glenn Field Controller : Space Navigator Brad Newman?
Space Navigator Brad Newman : Yes sir.
[in the cockpit]
Glenn Field Controller : [over the radio] Dr Grant?
Dr. Tony Grant : Yes sir.
Glenn Field Controller : Dr Pierce?
Dr. Ray Pierce : Yes sir.
Glenn Field Controller : [to Paul, Greg and Brad] OK. Away you go, and good luck.
Captain Paul Travers : Thank you sir.
Captain Paul Travers : [to Greg and Brad] All right, this is it.
Glenn Field Controller : Are you suggesting sir that we are incapable of handling our own security arrangements?
Captain Paul Travers : I have 862 pages here sir which say just that.