Rudy Vallee credited as playing...
- Penlow: "Constant complaint is the poorest sort of pay for all the comforts we enjoy." Also, Benjamin Franklin.
- Greg Nolan: Good ol' Ben.
- Penlow: Personal appearances are not to be treated lightly. I take great stock in the cut of a man's clothes. As Benjamin Franklin so aptly put it, "Eat to please thyself, but, dress - to please others."
- Penlow: My boy, you're a natural born attention getter! And what is advertising? The *art* of attracting attention.
- Penlow: Personal appearance - that's the secret! Where you live, what you drive, where you drink, what you drink, who makes your clothes, who styles your hair, who shrinks your head.
- Greg Nolan: Who shrinks my head? Nobody.
- Penlow: You mean you're not in analysis?
- Miss Selfridge: He's in his studio, watching the new center-spread being shot for the next issue.
- Penlow: Good. Good. I'll talk to him there.
- Miss Selfridge: Through that door.
- Penlow: Thanks, Pussycat!