- Buford Pusser: [opening narration] I had to stand up for myself alone, and you saw what they did to me... Until all men can stand up for what they believe in, THE SAME DAMN THING CAN HAPPEN TO ANY ONE OF YOU!
- O.Q. Teal: You had no right to take a child away from his father, and put him in an orphanage!
- Buford Pusser: You were an unfit parent!
- Martin French: Do the words "cruel and unusual punishment" mean anything to you?
- Buford Pusser: Damn right they do!... Why don't you explain those words to O.Q. Teal's little boy?
- Buford Pusser: [to French after looking at photos of O.Q. Teal taken after Buford gave him a beating] I might add I've seen better looking behinds on a hog.
- Buford Pusser: When did they let you out of prison, O.Q.?
- O.Q. Teal: I don't think that's any of your business, sheriff!... Oh, cause you ain't the sheriff anymore.
- The Boss: We don't have one slot machine, one prostitute, or one still left in McNairy County... And with the trouble Buford Pusser's cost us, we don't want back in.
- Sheriff Clegg: [Sheriff Clegg and Buford are chasing the kids that stole Buford's car] GODDAMN!... If I ever catch those kids, I'll put 'em so far under my jail that they're gonna have to pipe sunshine to 'em!
- Martin French: [Buford had the kids that stole his car chained up] You never stopped to learn the first thing about civil rights have you, Pusser?
- The Boss: [to his assistant after hanging up the phone on Witter] That contract on Witter... Go through with it.
- John Witter: [to the Boss about Buford] I'm gonna settle things with that overgrown son of a bitch once and for all.
- Bulow: [Buford walk into the 3 Deuces Bar] I'll be goddamned!... If it isn't Buford Pussy?
- Buford Pusser: Buford who?
- Bulow: Pussy.
- Buford Pusser: Ya know... You got some trouble with one of them words,
- Bulow: I've had trouble with those words...
- [takes out false teeth]
- Bulow: ...ever since you smashed me in the mouth with that tree trunk you used to carry around with you.
- Buford Pusser: I still got it.
- The Boss: [the Boss is having a talk with Mr. Whitter] John, we've all decided,because of the mess you made and the unfortunate publicity you got us... to reassign 25 percent of your territories to other gentlemen.
- John Witter: I don't have to buy that.
- John Witter: Yes, you do.
- Luan Paxton: [Luan and Buford are having drinks] Tell me something?
- Buford Pusser: What?
- Luan Paxton: Was I the best informant you ever had?
- Buford Pusser: Damn right you was... I guarantee it.
- Luan Paxton: That stateline bunch never knew what hit them.
- Buford Pusser: Never did.