Death Drug is one of the films that you'll never regret seeing...ever. pre-Miami Vice Philip Michael Thomas, is this way too overly happy plumber, who has dreams of becoming a music star. But after finding out that his magical dreams come true, he, his fiancé and his loser white couple friends go out partying. And after like twenty minutes of people dancing like idiots, Thomas uses the bathroom and buys some PCP from a creepy tennis playing dealer, played by Frankie Crocker (who is also in the fabulous "Darktown Strutters"!!!) Eventually, just when you think the movie can't get better, it totally does...
Thomas gets hooked on PCP and starts freaking out, from seeing a pole turn into a snake, believing his hairbrush is a baby alligator, and much more. Death Drug does the impossible, even the unthinkable, not only is it hilarious, but it also rips off Rudy Ray Moore's PCP Blaxploitaton film The Avenging Disco Godfather, this shockingly bad and bizarre abortion of a film takes two parts Ed Wood after a a brain aneurysm, mix in some retarded bad singing and music videos with some anti-drug paranoia and freak out slow mo scenes, Death Drug is an absolute Godsend of a film.
If you're able to find it anywhere, and I mean ANYWHERE! Buy, seriously, no questions asked! Trust me when I say from experience, it is worth the money!
*Watch for the hilarious scenes when Thomas flips out in the supermarket and when the crazy guy who's foaming at the mouth is chasing roller skaters with a piece of wood! Absolutely some of the most brilliant stuff I've ever scene!!!