One of the locations was an empty vault under the Brooklyn Bridge, which was reopened and cleaned out especially for the film after being sealed for 100 years.
Gloria Gaynor only agreed to sing the theme song, "Love Is Just A Heartbeat Away," out of courtesy to her then manager, who she later married. In a 2008 interview she said that the title was "corny," the lyrics were "dreadful\" and the arrangement "was already badly dated" when she recorded it.
Nai Bonet's bathing scene (as well as many of the other interiors of the Transylvanian castle) was shot inside a huge church in New York. The crew was careful not to let anyone from the church know that they were filming a nude scene. Bonet kept joking with the crew saying she'd love to run through the church totally naked just to see their reactions.
Many of the dancers during the sequence at the Starship Discovery Disco were extras from Saturday Night Fever (1977).