Former CIA director Richard Helms acted as a personal consultant to Robert Redford for his role as the Condor.
In her biography "Looking for Gatsby", Faye Dunaway says of this film: "Now I'm sorry but the idea of being kidnapped and ravaged by Robert Redford was anything but frightening. [At one point, after Redford temporarily left the set and director Pollack took over his role for Dunaway's reaction shots] the cameras were rolling, I was in position, and suddenly Sydney lunged at me, growling 'I AM GOING TO GET YOU!'. I'm tied up at this point, unable to get away or move much at all, but Sydney kept moving toward me, his eyes glaring at me as he went on detailing all the horrible things he was going to do to me, and let me tell you, Sydney has an inventive mind. He is also a great actor, and he scared the hell out of me. Sydney kept the camera rolling and he was relentless".
When Turner tracks the phone number Joubert calls, he calls the phone company office and asks for a "CNA," which stands for Customer Name and Address. This service is only available to phone company employees, which is why Turner has to pretend to be one.
Sydney Pollack sued Danish TV after they aired a pan-and-scan version of the film in 1991. The court ruled that the pan-and-scan version was a "mutilation" of the film, and a violation of Pollack's "droit moral", his legal right as an artist to maintain his reputation by protecting the integrity of his work. However, the court ruled in favor of the defendant on a technicality.
The place where Turner goes to pick up lunch for everyone, the Lexington Candy Shop at 1226 Lexington Avenue, is still there, still looks the same, and has a steady clientele.
Sydney Pollack: The voice of Faye Dunaway's boyfriend during their telephone conversation. Pollack is also the cab driver who yells at Redford for not watching where he's going while crossing the street.