A young female history teacher - (Kathleen) - relocates from Boston to Dallas Texas, to further her teaching career. At gunpoint she is raped by her male lawyer friend - (Larry) - who has a collection of antique guns.
Initially she seeks justice, but when no justice could be found in the law & no comfort or solace could be found from her religion, she seeks revenge instead.
Kathleen uses the only language Larry understands. By joining the same gun club as Larry, Kathleen becomes acquainted with guns & uses a Hand Gun to teach Larry a serious but playful lesson. Kathleen also cuts her hair & dons some black clothing to symbolise the stakes.
The movie takes us on a journey from her lack of knowledge about guns to being a sharp shooter in the gun range club to the night of the revenge attack.
In a target practice shoot out competition on the gun range, Kathleen shoots the friendly target & loses the competition. There was a lot of speculation from her competitors/peers/instructors as to why Kathleen would shoot the friendly target - whether she did or did not do it on purpose.
Of course she did it on purpose. She was making a profound statement - ie: The friendly target can also be 'the unseen predator' behind closed doors - just like Larry.
It was also meant to serve as a warning to Larry. He is/was the friend in her life that raped her therefore she will shoot him & will shoot at anything that ever threatens her again.