After Margot Kidder expressed her disgust about the firing of Richard Donner to producers Alexander Salkind and Ilya Salkind, her role was cut to 12 lines and less than five minutes of screen time. In the film's 2006 DVD commentary, Ilya Salkind says there was little need for Lois Lane in this movie because her relationship with Superman ended at the end of Superman II (1980).
This is the first time Christopher Reeve had top billing in a Superman movie. In Superman (1978) he was behind Marlon Brando and Gene Hackman. In Superman II (1980) he was behind Hackman.
Christopher Reeve was not happy with the film, and often expressed in interviews that he was mostly disappointed in how it turned out. He initially swore never to play the role again, saying he was aging out of the role. He was persuaded to make Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) in exchange for more input on the script.
When it was first revealed to producers that Lana Lang would be a single mother, a comic book was quickly written explaining how Lana came to be in that situation.
The writers of the film Office Space (1999) utilized the storyline of taking a fraction of a penny from employees for their own gain stating that they saw it work in the movie Superman III.
Aaron Smolinski: (at around 6 mins) Aaron Smolinski who played baby Clark Kent in Superman (1978) appears uncredited as a little boy waiting outside a photo booth while Clark Kent is changing into Superman.
Paul Weston: (at around 5 mins) accidentally breaks off the door handle in an attempt to rescue the drowning driver from the car. The stunt coordinator was Terence Stamp's double in Superman II (1980).