33 reviews
I saw that the reboot just came out a couple days ago, so I wanted to watch the original series first. I've always know about this show but I've never watched it. I watched the entire series and I really enjoyed it. The characters were really like able and love able. I liked how it dealed with serious topic and also taught important life lessons throughout the entirety of the series. For example, there's an episode where they talk about the challenger explosion. This show reminded me of Silver Spoons, which was a show that came out around the same time as this show and I used to really like that show. Overall, I really liked this series. A great sitcom and a great one for everyone.
I remember Punky Brewster, this was another gem that came under the helm of former NBC executive Brandon Tarkitkoff. I'm a guy and I used to watch it religiously as a kid during it's first few years on NBC. No I'm not ashamed to admit that I liked this goofy girl targeted show, hey I was just a little kid myself. Punky Brewster first aired in 1984 (that year of the 80's were everything seemed to happen), regularly clocking in on every Sunday night. And not only did I have a crush on both Solei Moon Frye and Cherie Johnson, but I loved their bright primary color schemed clothes and the non-condescending (to children), informative story lines. The series also perfectly captured the mood and feel of the mid 1980's. You can watch these early episodes and tell it was from that 1984 and 1985 time period. When the father Henry tries to get Punky to go to sleep and tells her something along the lines of, "but I let you stay up to watch Silver Spoons AND Knight Rider!", it will bring warm feelings and a smile to the face of everyone who had a childhood in the 80's. Apparently there was a real Punky Brewster, a childhood friend of Brandon Tartikoff's that made a guest appearance in one episode. Punky's dog was even named "Brandon", which was an in-joke that I somehow understood even as a child.
There was some stupidity here and there, such as one episode where Henry asked Punky's friend Allen for advice on performing CPR on a girl in critical condition. Henry's an adult, so why is he consulting a 7 year old boy for life saving medical advice? Even if he didn't know CPR himself, he could get help instead of relying on a small child. I wouldn't think about stuff like this as a kid, but today it seems more absurd. Like cartoons of the era, the series tried to empower children and give them more weight and wisdom then they would usually have in the real world.
But I have to say I did not like the later years of Punky. Once the show left NBC and went into cheapo syndication, it lost a lot of the magic and charm. The series no longer seemed to be about grumpy old Henry (played wonderfully by George 'Police Academy' Gaynes), and both his and Punky's adjustments to a non-traditional family. Instead all became about Punky, Punky, Punky. When it was on NBC, Punky Brewster was a show that could be watched by most people and of both genders. But the late 80's years had Solei Moon Frye inevitably getting older and lose a lot of her cuteness/innocence. The quality of writing seemed to go down when it was off NBC as well. Punky and the other girls turned into mean spirited, gossiping, boy crazy pre-teens. The kid who played Allen (the only recurring male child) had no room in such a show and was subsequently booted. I really liked Allen too, because I remember that kid being my male eyes into world of Punky.
The show degraded into a primarily chick targeted TV show, which resulted in a heavy loss of it's male audience as well as whatever adult audience it had. I guess they couldn't avoid Solei Moon Frye and the other girls getting older, but I wish more of an attempt was made to keep the series a bit more balanced with the Henry storyline. Still, for anyone that spent most or all their childhood years in the 1980's, Punky Brewster is an important part of pop culture lore for us. High school kids in the 80's had "The Breakfast Club" and "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", but elementary school aged children had Punky Power.
There was some stupidity here and there, such as one episode where Henry asked Punky's friend Allen for advice on performing CPR on a girl in critical condition. Henry's an adult, so why is he consulting a 7 year old boy for life saving medical advice? Even if he didn't know CPR himself, he could get help instead of relying on a small child. I wouldn't think about stuff like this as a kid, but today it seems more absurd. Like cartoons of the era, the series tried to empower children and give them more weight and wisdom then they would usually have in the real world.
But I have to say I did not like the later years of Punky. Once the show left NBC and went into cheapo syndication, it lost a lot of the magic and charm. The series no longer seemed to be about grumpy old Henry (played wonderfully by George 'Police Academy' Gaynes), and both his and Punky's adjustments to a non-traditional family. Instead all became about Punky, Punky, Punky. When it was on NBC, Punky Brewster was a show that could be watched by most people and of both genders. But the late 80's years had Solei Moon Frye inevitably getting older and lose a lot of her cuteness/innocence. The quality of writing seemed to go down when it was off NBC as well. Punky and the other girls turned into mean spirited, gossiping, boy crazy pre-teens. The kid who played Allen (the only recurring male child) had no room in such a show and was subsequently booted. I really liked Allen too, because I remember that kid being my male eyes into world of Punky.
The show degraded into a primarily chick targeted TV show, which resulted in a heavy loss of it's male audience as well as whatever adult audience it had. I guess they couldn't avoid Solei Moon Frye and the other girls getting older, but I wish more of an attempt was made to keep the series a bit more balanced with the Henry storyline. Still, for anyone that spent most or all their childhood years in the 1980's, Punky Brewster is an important part of pop culture lore for us. High school kids in the 80's had "The Breakfast Club" and "Fast Times at Ridgemont High", but elementary school aged children had Punky Power.
This is a family sitcom that I happened to catch on TV when I was a kid, remembered it being a heartfelt series about girl Punky Brewster who befriends Henry Warnimont, who adopts her.
I loved the chemistry and family relationship between Punky and Henry - very heartwarming and touching to watch. It definitely represents the true meaning of family and innocence, all the while bringing in some comic relief as well.
Good acting, good episodes, and an overall good series for the most part whose lead actor serves as a good role model for children.
Grade A-
I loved the chemistry and family relationship between Punky and Henry - very heartwarming and touching to watch. It definitely represents the true meaning of family and innocence, all the while bringing in some comic relief as well.
Good acting, good episodes, and an overall good series for the most part whose lead actor serves as a good role model for children.
Grade A-
- OllieSuave-007
- Jan 27, 2017
- Permalink
This is another childhood gem of mine and another one of my favorite sitcom shows. This show was one of the very first TV shows I actually watched about the time I was in Kindergarten, I honestly never seen anything like it as this was a show where a kid was the lead which at the time wasn't all that common place.
The show was truly a phenomon as it did spawn an animated series which I saw and enjoyed, despite the fact it's one of those animated oddities and by today's standards I find it ok, a fun time waster. Heck there was even recently a licensed comic book run on this show which was actually pretty good. As well as a couple of skits from the show "Robot Chicken" in which Soleil got to voice Punky. From those alone it just goes to show how timeless this show truly is.
The show has an interesting two-way effect, from enjoying it as a kid. And even as I watch the show now I still have fun with it because it's not just gives me the nolstagic vibe but also a journalistic viewpoint on what being a kid was like back then. I even like how watch this show could also be somewhat of a history lesson as it really shows a little of what being a kid in the 80's was like, as this show truly has the 80's decade written all over it.
I really love the theme song, it's one of my favorite theme songs of all time, it's not just catchy but also really touching as it has this cheerful vibe to it.
The characters are all great from supporting characters like Margo. She's pretty much the rich and spoiled side of things. I really like how vanity obsessed she is almost as much as Kat on "Red Dwarf". But what I like about her is deep down that vain exterior she really does have a heart, she does care about her friends and having friends even though she doesn't always show it.
Cherie played by Cherie Johnson whom of course you may know as Maxine in "Family Matters". She's a really good number two for Punky, I like that her character is sort of on the shy and slightly non confidant side. But isn't afraid to help and be there when Punky needs it.
Henry played well by George Gaynes whom I of course also remember him as Eric Lasard in the "Police Academy" series. He's the father figure, I like how he can be a bit of a grouch sometimes when either Punky or anyone else mainly Cherie's aunt gives him a bit of grief.
Sandy whom play's Punky's dog Brandon whom is a golden retriever which is cool as my favorite kind of dog. He's cute and just well trained, it's kind of amazing how the dog really is on cue when ever the actors finish certain lines, he responds like that. It's even funny whenever the characters talk with Brandon and whenever he barks, they automatically know what he's saying, makes me wonder if Punky and company have gain telepathy.
And of course, Punky Brewster herself, played well by Soleil Moon Frye whom I think is an underrated comedic actress. She was my first celebrity crush (no surprise), she was just so beautiful inside and out, even today she still is. Anyway, it's hard not to love this character Punky; this character just had a lot of spunk hence her name. She has this naive innocence and I really love how energetic, active, and confidant she really is which goes with her famous expressive catch phrase "Punky Power".
From her bright colorful wardrobe which almost makes her as colorful as a Rainbow Brite doll or even the sixth Doctor's outfit from "Doctor Who". Which makes sense as bright colorful fashions were a trend in the 80's but it also perfectly reflects who she is and a way of showing she a person that does what makes her feel good and right.
This makes her not afraid of taking action like in one episode making a home-made exercise video. Another in a bizarre Halloween episode fighting off that big Shelabob like spider which was cool. Seeing the show now as an adult is actually interesting because the other thing about Punky is she acts like a real kid, most of the things she does and says are the kinds of things we felt and done when we were her age.
The dynamics are solid, from Punky and her friends. Like her back and forth with her dog which is always funny and sweet, Brandon really does back her up just as she does in return. Punky and Cherrie, Punky really helps Cherrie be a little more assertive but also just to enjoy what life has to offer.
However the heart to me is really in the dynamic between both Henry and Punky. It really works as we see its sort or represents as it has many kinds of dynamics wrapped up in one. As it's sort of your single parent dynamic only, instead of the mom and daughter or father and son; this time it's father and daughter which was uncommon at the time. But this dynamic is also your past and present, as well as old and young. But we see as both of them come together they really do balance each other out, fill in that missing part of their lives which makes it all the more touching.
Indeed Punky truly is good for Henry as we see from a past episode or two and some of the depth on him, his life wasn't really all that great the guy was living alone, he wasn't happy, somewhat antisocial and worst of all despite a career in photography in which the purpose of it is to capture life he is missing out on life itself. But once Punky came into his life, her presence has actually made Henry's life a little brighter and we see he reconnects with life, becomes more outgoing and find out what more life has to offer.
Henry is the parent figure she very much needs, someone to help give her stability, telling her to slow down a little and not go too fast or she really will miss most of what life has to offer; but most importantly love in which Punky's real absent parents failed to provide.
If your into vintage sitcoms this is one to check out, Punky just like the amount of color she wears has a lot of spunk and a lot of heart.
Rating: 3 and a half stars
The show was truly a phenomon as it did spawn an animated series which I saw and enjoyed, despite the fact it's one of those animated oddities and by today's standards I find it ok, a fun time waster. Heck there was even recently a licensed comic book run on this show which was actually pretty good. As well as a couple of skits from the show "Robot Chicken" in which Soleil got to voice Punky. From those alone it just goes to show how timeless this show truly is.
The show has an interesting two-way effect, from enjoying it as a kid. And even as I watch the show now I still have fun with it because it's not just gives me the nolstagic vibe but also a journalistic viewpoint on what being a kid was like back then. I even like how watch this show could also be somewhat of a history lesson as it really shows a little of what being a kid in the 80's was like, as this show truly has the 80's decade written all over it.
I really love the theme song, it's one of my favorite theme songs of all time, it's not just catchy but also really touching as it has this cheerful vibe to it.
The characters are all great from supporting characters like Margo. She's pretty much the rich and spoiled side of things. I really like how vanity obsessed she is almost as much as Kat on "Red Dwarf". But what I like about her is deep down that vain exterior she really does have a heart, she does care about her friends and having friends even though she doesn't always show it.
Cherie played by Cherie Johnson whom of course you may know as Maxine in "Family Matters". She's a really good number two for Punky, I like that her character is sort of on the shy and slightly non confidant side. But isn't afraid to help and be there when Punky needs it.
Henry played well by George Gaynes whom I of course also remember him as Eric Lasard in the "Police Academy" series. He's the father figure, I like how he can be a bit of a grouch sometimes when either Punky or anyone else mainly Cherie's aunt gives him a bit of grief.
Sandy whom play's Punky's dog Brandon whom is a golden retriever which is cool as my favorite kind of dog. He's cute and just well trained, it's kind of amazing how the dog really is on cue when ever the actors finish certain lines, he responds like that. It's even funny whenever the characters talk with Brandon and whenever he barks, they automatically know what he's saying, makes me wonder if Punky and company have gain telepathy.
And of course, Punky Brewster herself, played well by Soleil Moon Frye whom I think is an underrated comedic actress. She was my first celebrity crush (no surprise), she was just so beautiful inside and out, even today she still is. Anyway, it's hard not to love this character Punky; this character just had a lot of spunk hence her name. She has this naive innocence and I really love how energetic, active, and confidant she really is which goes with her famous expressive catch phrase "Punky Power".
From her bright colorful wardrobe which almost makes her as colorful as a Rainbow Brite doll or even the sixth Doctor's outfit from "Doctor Who". Which makes sense as bright colorful fashions were a trend in the 80's but it also perfectly reflects who she is and a way of showing she a person that does what makes her feel good and right.
This makes her not afraid of taking action like in one episode making a home-made exercise video. Another in a bizarre Halloween episode fighting off that big Shelabob like spider which was cool. Seeing the show now as an adult is actually interesting because the other thing about Punky is she acts like a real kid, most of the things she does and says are the kinds of things we felt and done when we were her age.
The dynamics are solid, from Punky and her friends. Like her back and forth with her dog which is always funny and sweet, Brandon really does back her up just as she does in return. Punky and Cherrie, Punky really helps Cherrie be a little more assertive but also just to enjoy what life has to offer.
However the heart to me is really in the dynamic between both Henry and Punky. It really works as we see its sort or represents as it has many kinds of dynamics wrapped up in one. As it's sort of your single parent dynamic only, instead of the mom and daughter or father and son; this time it's father and daughter which was uncommon at the time. But this dynamic is also your past and present, as well as old and young. But we see as both of them come together they really do balance each other out, fill in that missing part of their lives which makes it all the more touching.
Indeed Punky truly is good for Henry as we see from a past episode or two and some of the depth on him, his life wasn't really all that great the guy was living alone, he wasn't happy, somewhat antisocial and worst of all despite a career in photography in which the purpose of it is to capture life he is missing out on life itself. But once Punky came into his life, her presence has actually made Henry's life a little brighter and we see he reconnects with life, becomes more outgoing and find out what more life has to offer.
Henry is the parent figure she very much needs, someone to help give her stability, telling her to slow down a little and not go too fast or she really will miss most of what life has to offer; but most importantly love in which Punky's real absent parents failed to provide.
If your into vintage sitcoms this is one to check out, Punky just like the amount of color she wears has a lot of spunk and a lot of heart.
Rating: 3 and a half stars
- hellraiser7
- Jan 3, 2020
- Permalink
Punky Brewster is a strange little show. Sure it is the typical kid moves in with a person or persons. Usually it is a long lost parent like in "Silver Spoons", some other relative like an aunt or something, or in the strange case of "Different Strokes" an employer. This one has a little girl who calls herself Punky living by herself in a vacant apartment. Well she is soon discovered and starts living with the elderly old curmudgeon and begins to melt away the ice around his heart. Of course that is how it would go, I would not be much of a television show had he sent her away to live in an orphanage where she in turn escaped and begin a life of crime. Well that may have made for an interesting show, but it would have to be one of those shows that HBO or Showtime puts out. Well the girl makes friends and tries to teach the kids at home valuable lessons such as do not go in abandoned refrigerators. Granted that lesson is rather pointless today as any child who can not escape today's magnet fridges is probably special and should never be left alone. She also teaches the importance of not going into old caves with your friends otherwise they end up looking horribly stupid saying "Punky" in a sinister voice while fighting strange glitter men. Okay, so the lessons are rather lame for the most part. The show had some good episodes to it though as there is an excellent story arc of her getting adopted by some evil rich woman and her put upon husband, but there are lots of stupid episodes too. It is also kind of funny that the guy playing the curmudgeon is also the head of the police academy in "Police Acdemy", the one that got the special surprise under the podium.
It is a great show. It is also funny. All the star did a great job on the show. Soleil Moon Frye has made the character Punky Brewster come to life. She I really funny on the show. I wish I could see more of her. George Gaynes also did a great job as portraying the part of Henry, Punky's foster father and adoptive father. Cherie Johnson was also great doing the part as Cheri Johnson Punky's best friend. Susie Garrett also did a great job playing the role of Betty Johnson, Cheri's grandmother. Ami Foster also did a great job as Margaux Kramer, Punky's snobby friend. Even Sandy the dog did a great job as playing the role of Punky's dog Brandon.
- jpratt-98628
- Feb 28, 2016
- Permalink
I only "discovered" this series last year, when it had a brief run on early morning TV (very early indeed). I like Punky a lot. She reminds me of me. I was just like her, growing up in the eighties, being a cute little tomboy, etc. In fact this show is the quintessential eighties TV show and that's why I love it. Punky Brewster is a much better sitcom than the majority of the trash that was around in the 80s. I give it 8 out of 10.
The timing for this episode was perfect. My daughter, then, 9 or 10, was curious about the Santa thing, she was definitely asking questions. This episode gained another 2 years of magic for her, well me really. I was touched beyond belief with this episode. I sat with my Daughter and watched this with her, it was a magical episode. I think we watched it another 6 OR 7 times over the course of the holiday season. I felt it should have been a Holiday special every year, along with the Frosty's, Grinches, Rudolph's etc. I am now purchasing this boxed set for my Grandson, who is turning 9 soon. I can't wait to sit and relive the wonderful experience of this episode again. Truly one that shouldn't be missed and should be watched by all family members, together!
- khorwat2005
- Oct 30, 2006
- Permalink
This show was so much fun. I suppose it could get on your nerves but it was never meant to be taken overly seriously. I was a kid when it first came out and I've seen every episode. That is probably the reason I like it so much. And I love Soliel Moon Frye, she is still pretty cool. THis is just a fun little show from the 80's that is just meant to be enjoyed.
This is another one of my favorite TV shows of all time right next to TV shows like "Small Wonder", "Charles In Charge", "The Wonder Years", "Married With Children", "Family Ties", & the 1970s live-action TV show "The Amazing Spider-Man"! This is quite possibly one of the greatest TV sitcoms of all time!
Even my 9-year-old sister loves this show! For those who've never heard of this, a little girl named Punky Brewster (Soleil Moon Frye) who gets abandoned by her mother in a supermarket. She takes her dog Brandon and tries look for someone to take care of her for numerous weeks. She finds an old photographer named Henry (George Gaynes) who just so happens to adopt her and they both change each others' lives in ways that are nothing short of hilarious!
Even my 9-year-old sister loves this show! For those who've never heard of this, a little girl named Punky Brewster (Soleil Moon Frye) who gets abandoned by her mother in a supermarket. She takes her dog Brandon and tries look for someone to take care of her for numerous weeks. She finds an old photographer named Henry (George Gaynes) who just so happens to adopt her and they both change each others' lives in ways that are nothing short of hilarious!
I posted the first comment for Punky Brewster when I was at least 10. Back then I missed the show more than I do now, though it would be cool to see it again. I exaggerated when I called this Soleil Moon Frye's best, because the only thing I've seen her in besides this is an episode of the Wonder Years (though if ever see her in Sabrina reruns, maybe that'll change). Anyway, Punky was a great show, especially for young kids who wanted a positive role model. My favorite episode has to be the "Miss Adorable" one. I watched that tape of it so much it isn't even in good condition anymore. If it comes back, maybe I'll tape it. For now, I have the memories (and the theme song, for that matter) in my head.
- mary_fanofblairnjo
- Dec 20, 2003
- Permalink
What a great educational show then and even now! It still hits some great relevant subject kids go through today. I love the fact it heavily brought adoption and made an older parent good enough to raise a kid. I am sad it ended only after 4 seasons. I wish the would've stuck around for a couple of more seasons. George Gaynes was such a great actor!! Soleil at the age of 7 was phenomenal! I just love the show and it really is timeless.
- MoonCayndie
- Mar 1, 2021
- Permalink
- ryan_potochnik
- Mar 18, 2005
- Permalink
- stephenchase-63504
- Feb 25, 2021
- Permalink
Punky Brewster was an excellent show when it first came out in the '80s. Soleil Moon Frye was a great Punky, and this will always be her best. I didn't watch the show until it came to the Family Channel, but it's still a great show. But currently, it isn't on the air. My favorite characters were: Punky (of course), Henry, Cherie, Margeaux, and Betty. Too bad it went off in 1988, and it isn't on The Family Channel anymore. Please come back!
Hard to Believe it's a Comedy? With so much Drama. Abandoned By her Mother, The Studio Burns Down, The Challenger Blows Up, Casey Ellison Leaves, and his Character Allen is written off of the show. And More. Now What kind of Mall has a Cinema? However with that Said I Remember when it Cost $5.00 to get into see a Film, and a Matinee was $1.00, I miss The ROXY, to bad it Burned down. Now it's $20.00 to see a Film, and that's Even if you can get in the door. After the whole COVD-19 MONKEY POX thing. But She's got PUNKY POWER, And was 1 of my First Hollywood Crushes, What can I say I'm a sucker for Freckles. Punky Brewster (1984-1988) gets My TM S for Satisfactory.
- Moonbeam_87
- Aug 29, 2022
- Permalink
- gabrielstamos
- Mar 25, 2023
- Permalink
"Punky Brewster", while primarily geared to children, was an entertaining staple to the traditional 80's sitcom offerings. Centered around a young orphan and her older foster father, the show featured laughs, tears, lessons in life, and 30 minutes for watchers to kick back their feet.
While Soliel Moon Frye was the ultimate carrier of this show, the supporting cast, in my opinion were underrated....a lot of strong talent and great chemistry evident. The funny jabs between Betty and Henry was a throwback to the "Jefferson's" George and Florence. (Interesting to note, Marla Gibbs and Susie Garrett are sisters). Alan was a funny child actor, playing the roll of the goofy pre-teen boy possibly just beginning to discover girls (ahead of his fellow boy classmates) and playing along with them as friends and trying to entertain them with his humor. Margaux was amusing as well, with her sassy yet funny views on the wealthy lifestyle (Her facial expressions were hilarious, as were some of her over the top party dresses and comments on various situations...her arrival via helicopter to summer camp took the cake). And Cherie...ever the sidekick...charming and reliable. During an episode where she finally came to terms with the death of her parents,her dramatic performance demonstrated how strong a child actress she really was, conveying emotions and playing the part with every everything she had. I am amazed she was not seen in larger rolls after this show.
In general, this was a fun show, and despite being a kids production, it featured some talented players who managed to catch the attention of at least this viewer.
While Soliel Moon Frye was the ultimate carrier of this show, the supporting cast, in my opinion were underrated....a lot of strong talent and great chemistry evident. The funny jabs between Betty and Henry was a throwback to the "Jefferson's" George and Florence. (Interesting to note, Marla Gibbs and Susie Garrett are sisters). Alan was a funny child actor, playing the roll of the goofy pre-teen boy possibly just beginning to discover girls (ahead of his fellow boy classmates) and playing along with them as friends and trying to entertain them with his humor. Margaux was amusing as well, with her sassy yet funny views on the wealthy lifestyle (Her facial expressions were hilarious, as were some of her over the top party dresses and comments on various situations...her arrival via helicopter to summer camp took the cake). And Cherie...ever the sidekick...charming and reliable. During an episode where she finally came to terms with the death of her parents,her dramatic performance demonstrated how strong a child actress she really was, conveying emotions and playing the part with every everything she had. I am amazed she was not seen in larger rolls after this show.
In general, this was a fun show, and despite being a kids production, it featured some talented players who managed to catch the attention of at least this viewer.
To be honest like many others, I actually watched the cartoon as a kid first before I even KNEW that it was a live action TV show when they put it on the Family Channel. (Back before Fox bought it and then sold it to ABC)
When I finally got to see the live action show I figured it was based on the cartoon. Not that it mattered, I liked this much better. I don't think I really liked Glomer actually. Though when I saw the live version the first time I was curious as to where he was and relieved he wasn't there.
I would watch this religiously when it was on the Family Channel after school. This was a couple years after they stopped syndicating Small Wonder and it filled the void left by that loss.
I'm amazed at how Soleil Moon Frye turned out. She was a cute child who grew into a beautiful woman. She hardly looks the same!
She was on VH1's "I Love the 80's" (hich reminds me, I really do love the 80's.) last year and I finally caught it last month. When I saw her as an interviewee and read the little caption at the bottom and it said who she was, I was like, "Get out of here. That's her?" She was on an episode of Saved by the Bell a while ago (Ok, so it was over 10 years ago.) as Screech's gold digger girlfriend. (Oddly enough, it's not credited on IMDb.) and she still looked like she did as a kid. Amazing.
The father figure, George Gaynes, was perfect in his role.
If they put it on DVD, I would probably think about buying it, but I'd much rather take it one at a time on Nick at Nite. Now. If only they'd pick it up.
When I finally got to see the live action show I figured it was based on the cartoon. Not that it mattered, I liked this much better. I don't think I really liked Glomer actually. Though when I saw the live version the first time I was curious as to where he was and relieved he wasn't there.
I would watch this religiously when it was on the Family Channel after school. This was a couple years after they stopped syndicating Small Wonder and it filled the void left by that loss.
I'm amazed at how Soleil Moon Frye turned out. She was a cute child who grew into a beautiful woman. She hardly looks the same!
She was on VH1's "I Love the 80's" (hich reminds me, I really do love the 80's.) last year and I finally caught it last month. When I saw her as an interviewee and read the little caption at the bottom and it said who she was, I was like, "Get out of here. That's her?" She was on an episode of Saved by the Bell a while ago (Ok, so it was over 10 years ago.) as Screech's gold digger girlfriend. (Oddly enough, it's not credited on IMDb.) and she still looked like she did as a kid. Amazing.
The father figure, George Gaynes, was perfect in his role.
If they put it on DVD, I would probably think about buying it, but I'd much rather take it one at a time on Nick at Nite. Now. If only they'd pick it up.
I was just watching vh1's I love the 80s and remembered Punky Brewster. I was hooked on that show and I even had a Punky doll. She had such a unique style and attitude towards life. I don't think there was another character on tv that empowered young girls the way she did. I was just a little kid when the show was on and because I hated my first name I decided that I wanted to be known only as Punky. So to this day, 18 years after the show premiered, I am still known as Punky. Who wouldn't want to embody her image! The best episodes were when Henry got really sick and Punky was taken away by that rich couple. I was soo worried that Punky would never see Henry again, weren't we all?! Oh yea, they need to bring back the reruns!
I love Punky Brewster! I grew up with her!! What happened to the Seasons on DVD? I already have seasons 1 & 2. I am waiting on season 3 and the rest of the show on DVD!! Please come out with them soon!! I will buy them just like I have the others. This show brings back a lot of childhood memories for me. I want to be able to pass this on to my children. Now a days, the shows on television for children are not appropriate. They need to bring back the family shows like this one. I don't even see reruns of this anywhere on television. I remember growing up on this show, Full House, Little House On The Prarie, etc. I see reruns of these shows but not Punky! I don't understand why not! Bring Punky back!! I want to see more of her on DVD and on television!
"Punky Brewster" was a show that first focused on important values for growing up like honor and obedience and being kind and respectful towards yourself and others (even if they are different from you). I remember watching the episode where Brandon was hit by a car because Henry scolded him for eating his stamps and Punky and Henry had to go to the vet. I cried because it was sad. I mean would you want to see YOUR dog hit by a car? OK moving on. There was also an episode where Allen made fun of the school janitor because she would sometimes get caught up working and pretend to be playing the violin with the feather duster. That episode was about how to accept others for who and what they are, even if they are mentally challenged. There were a lot of good episodes in this series, and I am really taken aback that some people think otherwise. I was born in 1982 myself, and grew up watching "Punky Brewster" and learned about morals and values. We had good TV shows back then. True, some TV shows/cartoons nowadays are good and they try to teach kids that it's OK to be different and that it's OK to have friends who ARE different. Also someone commented on the show was somehow fading when Punky became a preteen? Of course the producers and writers are going to focus around Soleil becoming a preteen and teen. Of course, in movies we see now, actors who are 25 portray characters who are 18 and 19, but back in the 80's, TV shows and movies were true to the decade and true to the actors who played them (at least the shows *I* watched). TV shows often have to grow and develop new plots and storylines as the actors get older because who would want to see a pre-teen Punky still pretending to play cops and robbers when she was 6 or 7? Nobody would tune in then. I could comment more about this and other shows and to the people who refuse to open their eyes and narrow minds, but I'd be here all night.
- PaigeHalliwell
- Oct 24, 2002
- Permalink
I really enjoyed the show! I was upset when they canceled the show and didn't give us a warning but that's o.k. I just wish they would show reruns on cable! I mean I wanted to be and dress just like her. Her style, clothes and attitude was great I mean I was young but I knew what was going on. My favorite episode was when her friend was introduced to punky and they became the best of friends I thought that episode was so cool! I wondered where she purchased her purple vest I wanted one so badly but I couldn't get one my moms kept telling no I couldn't get one so I tried to make one out of old clothes and It turned out o.k. but It wasn't better than Punky.I wish that she would make a come back in the future and show some one some of her best television shows.
I absolutely loved this show and I really wish they would put reruns on tv. I know a lot of my friends would love if they put more reruns of shows from the 80's on tv!!!!! There are so many shows I used to watch and wish I could tape them or order tapes of these shows from somewhere, so I could watch them over and over.
- elizabeth5520
- Nov 4, 2002
- Permalink
I loved the show Punky Brewster. I've seen each and every one of the episodes. I loved how she always wore very colorful clothes(and different shoes by the way), that funky bed that leaned over when she got on it, her very colorful room(along with the colorful window and shade),her dog, her friends, her treehouse, and the way she brightened up the room when she walked in. My favorite episode was the 5 parter when Henry has a heart attack and Punky has to go to "Fenster Hall" until Henry can get back on her feet. Little did they know Punky was going to be adopted by a rich snobby couple. I wish they would put the re-runs on family channel so I can record them and cherish them for the rest of my life.
- Mattswife97
- Mar 4, 2002
- Permalink