Crispin Glover credited as playing...
George McFly
- [Marty and Doc observe George's incompetence in 1955]
- Dr. Emmett Brown: Which one's your pop?
- Marty McFly: [points him out] That's him.
- [they see him getting kicked around by other school bullies]
- George McFly: [has a "kick me" sign on his back] Okay. Okay, you guys. Ah-ha-ha-ha. Very funny. You guys are being real mature.
- Dr. Emmett Brown: Maybe you were adopted.
- George McFly: Last night, Darth Vader came down from Planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out, that he'd melt my brain.
- [Marty places headphones over his father's ears and wakes him up by playing Van Halen music at full blast. George wakes up screaming - Marty pauses the music. George looks up to see Marty, who is unrecognizable because he is wearing a radiation suit]
- George McFly: Who are you?
- Marty McFly: [after giving him another earful of loud rock music] Silence, Earthling. My name is Darth Vader. I am an extraterrestrial from the planet Vulcan!
- [makes Live Long and Prosper sign with his hand]
- [Marty enters his house and sees Biff harrassing George]
- Biff Tannen: I can't believe you'd loan me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could've been killed!
- George McFly: Blind spot? Now, now, Biff, now I never noticed that the car had any blind spot before when I would drive it. Hi, Son.
- Biff Tannen: What, are you blind, McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?
- George McFly: Biff, can I- Can I assume that your, uh, insurance is gonna pay for the damage?
- Biff Tannen: My insurance? It's your car. Your insurance should pay for it. I wanna know who's gonna pay for this?
- [shows his shirt]
- Biff Tannen: I spilled beer all over it when the car smashed into me. Who's gonna pay my cleaning bill?
- Goldie Wilson: [rushes up to George] Say! Why do you let those boys push you around like that for?
- George McFly: Well, they're bigger than me.
- Goldie Wilson: Stand tall, boy. Have some respect for yourself. Don't you know, if you let people walk over you now, they'll be walking over you for the rest of your life. Look at me. You think I'm gonna spend the rest of my life in this slop house?
- Lou: Watch it, Goldie.
- Goldie Wilson: No, sir! I'm gonna make something of myself. I'm going to night school, and one day, I'm gonna be somebody!
- Marty McFly: That's right! He's gonna be mayor.
- Goldie Wilson: Yeah, I'm...
- [smiles, one of his front teeth is gold]
- Goldie Wilson: Mayor! Now *that's* a good idea! I could run for mayor.
- Lou: A colored mayor. That'll be the day.
- Goldie Wilson: You wait and see, Mr. Caruthers. I *will* be mayor! I'll be the most powerful man in Hill Valley, and I'm gonna clean up this town.
- Lou: Good. You can start by sweeping the floor.
- [hands Goldie a broom]
- Goldie Wilson: [stands tall with a hand over his heart] Mayor Goldie Wilson. I like the sound of that.
- [collects George's dishes]
- George McFly: Lorraine. My density has brought me to you.
- Lorraine Baines: What?
- George McFly: Oh. What I meant to say was...
- Lorraine Baines: Wait a minute. Don't I know you from somewhere?
- George McFly: Yes. Yes. I'm George. George McFly. I'm your density. I mean, your destiny.
- Marty McFly: Let's go over the plan again, so eight-thirty where are you going to be?
- George McFly: I'm gonna be at the dance.
- Marty McFly: And where am I gonna be?
- George McFly: You're going to be in the car with her...
- Marty McFly: Right, so right around nine o'clock she's going to get very angry with me.
- George McFly: Why would she get angry with you?
- Marty McFly: [reluctantly] Because, George, nice girls get angry when guys take advantage of them.
- George McFly: [Realizing] Ho! Hooo! You-you mean you're going to go touch her on her -
- [gestures at a bra in his hand]
- Marty McFly: No, no, no listen, George it's just an act! Okay? So around nine o'clock you're walking through the parking lot, you see us... struggling in the car. You walk up, you open the door and you say
- [pause]
- Marty McFly: ... your line, George!
- George McFly: Oh! "Hey you! Get your damn hands off her!"
- George McFly: I've never picked a fight in my entire life.
- Marty McFly: Look, you're not gonna be picking a fight, Dad... Dad-Dad-Daddy-O.
- Biff Tannen: And where's my reports?
- George McFly: Well, I haven't finished those up yet, but you know, I... I figured since they weren't due till...
- Biff Tannen: Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly. Think! I gotta have time to get them retyped. Do you realize what would happen if I hand in my reports in your handwriting? I'll get fired. You wouldn't want that to happen, would ya? Would ya?
- George McFly: Of course not, Biff. Now, I wouldn't want that to happen. Now, look. I'll, uh, finish those reports on up tonight, and I'll run 'em on over first thing tomorrow, all right?
- Biff Tannen: Not too early. I sleep in Saturday. Oh, McFly, your shoe's untied.
- [jabs his finger up to George's face]
- Biff Tannen: Don't be so gullible, McFly. Got the place fixed up nice, though, McFly.
- George McFly: I know what you're gonna say, Son, and you're right.
- [chuckles breathlessly]
- George McFly: You're right. But, uh, Biff just happens to be my supervisor, and I'm afraid I'm just not very good at... confrontations.
- Marty McFly: But the car, Dad. I mean, he wrecked it. He totaled it. I needed that car tomorrow night, Dad. I mean, do you have any idea how important this was to me? Do you have any clue?
- George McFly: I know, and all I can say is I'm... I'm sorry.
- Marty McFly: What are you writing?
- George McFly: Uh, stories. Science fiction stories about visitors coming down to Earth from other planets.
- Marty McFly: Get outta town! I didn't know you did anything creative. Let me read some.
- George McFly: Oh, no, no, no, no. I never... I never let anybody read my stories.
- Marty McFly: Why not?
- George McFly: Well, what if they didn't like them? What if they told me I was no good? I guess that would be pretty hard for somebody to understand.
- Marty McFly: Uh, no. No, not hard at all.
- [Biff is waxing George's car, it's a silver BMW]
- George McFly: Now, Biff, I want to make sure that we get two coats of wax this time, not just one.
- Biff Tannen: I'm just finishing up the second coat now.
- George McFly: Now, Biff, don't con me.
- Biff Tannen: [stammering] I'm sorry, Mr. McFly. I-I meant I was just starting on the second coat.
- George McFly: Biff. What a character. Always trying to get away with something. I've had to stay on top of Biff ever since high school. Although, if it wasn't for him...
- Lorraine Baines: We never would have fallen in love.
- George McFly: That's right.
- George McFly: [on the day after the evening Marty disguises himself as an alien and makes a threatening visit to George] Marty! Marty! Marty!
- Marty McFly: Hey, George, buddy, you weren't at school. What have you been doing all day?
- George McFly: I overslept. Look, I need your help. I have to ask Lorraine out but I don't know how to do it.
- Marty McFly: Alright, okay, listen, keep your pants on. She's over in the cafe.
- [George heads for the cafe, Marty races after him]
- Marty McFly: What made you change your mind, George?
- George McFly: [loud enough for a couple walking by to hear] Last night, Darth Vader came down from Planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine, that he'd melt my brain!
- Marty McFly: Yeah, well, uh, let's keep this brain-melting stuff to ourselves, okay?
- George McFly: Oh, yeah! Yeah!
- [George approaches Lorraine's car, thinking that Marty is making advances on her as he and George have planned. However, George doesn't realize that Biff has thrown Marty out and is trying to rape Lorraine]
- George McFly: [opens the door] Hey you! Get your damn hands off of...
- [Biff looks up to see who is talking to him. George realizes it is Biff and lets out a moan of chagrin at seeing the bully who tormented]
- Biff Tannen: [threateningly] Why don't you walk away, McFly and leave the two of us alone.
- Lorraine Baines: [fearfully] George! George, help me! Please!
- [Biff pushes her down. George stands his ground]
- Biff Tannen: Are you dumb, McFly? I said CLOSE the door and WALK AWAY!
- George McFly: [shakingly but firmly] No, Biff. YOU leave her alone.
- Biff Tannen: [smiles viciously] Alright, McFly. Now, you're gonna get it.
- [Biff gets out of the car and faces George. George tries to punch Biff in the stomach but Biff blocks the punch by grabbing his fist and begins to bend George's arm back. George gasps in pain]
- Lorraine Baines: [horrified] Biff, stop! Stop! You'll break his arm! Biff!
- [Biff ignores her. Lorraine jumps on Biff and begins punching him]
- Lorraine Baines: [angrily] Let him go, Biff! Stop it! LET HIM GO!
- [Biff grabs her face and pushes Lorraine to the ground. Biff starts to laugh at her. George, seeing Biff tormenting Lorraine, begins to shake with fury. His hand balls into a fist. When Biff turns to face him, George punches Biff in the face, knocking him out cold. George makes gasping noises and smiles goofily for a few minutes, realizing that he does indeed have the potential to be courageous. He then looks at Lorraine]
- George McFly: [concerned] A-Are you okay?
- Lorraine Baines: [Lorraine nods. George helps her up and they walk to the dance, unaware that they are being watched by a happy Marty and a crowd of couples invited to the dance]
- Biff Tannen: Hey, McFly! What do you think you're doing?
- Marty McFly: [turning around, surprised to see him so young] Biff.
- Biff Tannen: Hey, I'm talking to you, McFly, you Irish bug!
- George McFly: [Marty's eyes widen] Oh, hey, Biff. Hey, guys. How are you doin'?
- Biff Tannen: Yeah, you got my homework finished, McFly?
- George McFly: Uh... well, actually, I figured since it wasn't due 'til Monday...
- Biff Tannen: [rapping him on the head with his knuckles] Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Hey, think, McFly. Think. I gotta have time to re-copy it. You realize what would happen if I hand in my homework with your handwriting? I'll get kicked out of school. You wouldn't want that to happen, would ya?
- [grabbing the front of his shirt]
- Biff Tannen: Would ya?
- George McFly: Well, no, of course not.
- Marty McFly: Tell her destiny brought you together. Tell her that she is the most beautiful girl you have ever seen in the world. Girls like that stuff.
- [seeing George writing in his notepad]
- Marty McFly: What... what are you doing, George?
- George McFly: I'm writing this down. This is good stuff.
- Marty McFly: [advising George on asking Lorraine to the school dance] All right, there she is, George. Now just go in there and invite her.
- George McFly: Okay, but I don't know what to say.
- Marty McFly: Well, just say anything, George. Say whatever's natural, the first thing that comes into your mind.
- George McFly: [thinking] Nothing's coming to my mind.
- Linda McFly: Oh, Marty, I almost forgot. Jennifer Parker called.
- Lorraine Baines: Oh, I sure like her, Marty. She is such a sweet girl. Isn't tonight the night of the big date?
- Marty McFly: What? What, Ma?
- Lorraine Baines: Well, aren't you going up to the lake? You've been planning it for two weeks.
- Marty McFly: Well, mom, we talked about this. I mean, how can I go to the lake? The car's wrecked.
- George McFly: Wrecked?
- Dave McFly: Wrecked?
- Linda McFly: What happened to the car?
- Dave McFly: When the hell did this happen?
- George McFly: Quiet down. I'm sure the car is fine.
- Dave McFly: Why am I always the last one to know about these things?
- George McFly: [leading Marty to the front door] See? There's Biff out there waxing it right now.