Loni Anderson's real-life daughter, Deidre Hoffman, plays the teenage version of Jayne Mansfield's daughter Jayne Marie Mansfield.
Motion picture actress Valerie Perrine lobbied hard for the title role, losing out to television actress Loni Anderson.
This film is listed among The 100 Most Amusingly Bad Movies Ever Made in Golden Raspberry Award founder John Wilson's book THE OFFICIAL RAZZIE® MOVIE GUIDE.
He also states that photos of the accident scene were shown in the film. This claim is blatantly false as the actual crash is never shown, nor would the photos have been able to be shown on broadcast television.
He also states that photos of the accident scene were shown in the film. This claim is blatantly false as the actual crash is never shown, nor would the photos have been able to be shown on broadcast television.
The real life Mickey Hargitay played Hercules in The Loves of Hercules (1960) (Hercules vs the Hydra). Arnold Schwarzenegger, who plays Hargitay in this movie, played Hercules 10 years later in Hercules in New York (1970).
This film is based on the book "Jayne Mansfield and the American Fifties" (1976) by historian Martha Saxton.