Nigel Davenport credited as playing...
Lord Birkenhead
- Duke of Sutherland: A sticky moment, George.
- Lord Birkenhead: Thank God for Lindsay. I thought the lad had us beaten.
- Duke of Sutherland: He did have us beaten, and thank God he did.
- Lord Birkenhead: I don't quite follow you.
- Duke of Sutherland: The "lad", as you call him, is a true man of principles, and a true athlete. His speed is a mere extension of his life, its force. We sought to sever his running from himself.
- Lord Birkenhead: For his country's sake, yes.
- Duke of Sutherland: No sake is worth that, least of all a guilty national pride.
- Lord Birkenhead: Liddell - he is your future king; are you refusing to shake his hand? Does your arrogance extend that far?
- Eric Liddell: My arrogance, sir, extends just as far as my conscience demands.
- Lord Birkenhead: Fine; then let's hope that is wise enough to give you room to maneuver.
- Lord Birkenhead: You Americans have a number of men who are rated as world-beaters; but, this contest is in Europe, not in the rarefied climes of the United States.
- Lord Birkenhead: May I remind you, you are the favored few. You constitute what is without doubt the most powerful athletic force ever to leave these shores. You are to face the world's best. Brown and yellow, white and black, young and ardent as yourselves, fleet of foot and strong of limb, from every civilized nation on the face of the Earth. I have no doubt that you will acquit yourselves honorably and with distinction. Good luck to you all.
- Lord Birkenhead: My boy, as things stand, you must not run. But I want you to hold your fire for a while, Liddell. Leave everything to me. Say nothing. Wait until we get to Paris. I'll have a word with the French. I'm not without a certain pull. And we fought in the war together. They do owe us something.
- Eric Liddell: I don't understand.
- Lord Birkenhead: They're not a very principled lot, the Frogs. But when faced with a stand like yours, one never knows. I might get through. I just might possibly persuade them.
- Eric Liddell: The French, sir? What could they do?
- Lord Birkenhead: Shift that bloody heat of yours, of course.