Michael Petrovitch credited as playing...
- Jennifer: [assembling her crossbow blindfolded] When assembled, it has three moving parts. A self-contained gas supply, which will propel a paralyzing hypo-dart at four hundred meters. Give or take, 1% accuracy. Mr. Mallory is going to licence it for his department... after the little test.
- [she finishes assembling it]
- Tito: Thirty-two seconds. You manipulate well, my dear - like a part of your body.
- Jennifer: It is my own design.
- Charles Thatcher: Yes, a very nice piece, hm. Serviceable, well-contoured, good feel... perhaps just a trifle large in the bore.
- Jennifer: It's been my experience, Charles... that it's less the size of one's gun that counts. More the skill with which it's used.
- Tito: It is also true, Thatcher, that the bore is only as large as is necessary to fit the right load.
- Jennifer: And what did you bring for the hunt, Tito? Something excessive, I imagine.
- Tito: Of course, my dear. After all, excess is what make life worth living... for people like us.