- Ferret Man: Wanna buy a ferret?
- Jamie Conway: No. No, thanks.
- Ferret Man: Loose joints. Genuine Hawaiian sens. His name is Fred...
- Jamie Conway: [voice over] You are not the kind of guy who would be at a place like this at this time of the morning and, though the details are fuzzy, you cannot say that the terrain is entirely unfamiliar.
- Jamie Conway: We sort of split up.
- Theresa: Too bad for you. She was yummy! Sort of the slinky girl-next-door look. Very ingenuous.
- Tad Allagash: Doing a little writing, are we?
- [reads paper in typewriter]
- Tad Allagash: Yeah! "Dead Amanda"! I told ya, you get more nookie than you can shake a fucking stick at if you just told people your wife was dead.
- Jamie Conway: I hit the wrong key.
- Tad Allagash: Ready to roll? The girls are waiting.
- Jamie Conway: Right. Where are we rolling to?
- Tad Allagash: Into the heart of the night! Wherever there are dances to be danced, drugs to be hoovered, women to be Allagashed. It's a dirty job, Jamie, but somebody's got to do it.
- Tad Allagash: Speaking of drugs, are you in possession?
- Jamie Conway: Negative.
- Tad Allagash: Not even a single line for young Tad?
- Jamie Conway: Sorry.
- Tad Allagash: Not even a mirror to lick?
- Vicky: Are you sure you're all right?
- Jamie Conway: Well, my brain is trying to find a way out of its skull - and I'm afraid of just about everything; but, I'm okay.
- Jamie Conway: This man calls. He said he was her lawyer. Easiest thing all the way around, he said was for me to sue her for sexual abandonment. A legal term, he said.
- Drunken Writer: [rambling on aimlessly to himself] ... Siamese fighting fish in the water cooler... the old crew in the golden days of this magazine would have thought of it.
- Walter Tyler: So how's Clara behaving?
- Jamie Conway: Same as usual. Like a fourth-grade tyrant.
- Walter Tyler: I've always wanted to ask somebody in Fact - does Clara piss in the men's room or the ladies'?
- Jamie Conway: I don't believe she pisses.
- Tad Allagash: I, believe it or not, took this bimbo back to her place on Fifth Avenue. Did some of her off-the-boat-quality drugs. We scooped it out of these tall Ming vases - did it off each other's naked bodies. Fucking beautiful, man.
- Drunken Writer: I started off as an office boy at the magazine - got published every so often. I used to write satirical sketches on Manhattan highlife.
- Jamie Conway: I know, I used to read that stuff. Amazing.
- Drunken Writer: Yeah. A lot more fun than being an editor. All I do as an editor is read a lot of undisciplined, untalented crap.
- Tad Allagash: She's an Allagash. She has Allagash genes. She's a very attractive lady. She'll also inherit a little of the Allagash money.
- Tad Allagash: D'you know that 90 of household dust is composed of human epidermal matter?
- Jamie Conway: That's skin to you. That's why I'm thinking about Amanda. She left her skin behind.