Leslie Ann Powers credited as playing...
Penny Pingleton
- Edna Turnblad: Tracy, I have told you about that hair. All ratted up like a teenage Jezebel!
- Penny Pingleton: Tracy's flamboyant flip is all the rage, Ms. Edna. Jackie Kennedy, our First Lady, even rats her hair.
- Edna Turnblad: But Tracy ain't no First Lady. Are your Tracy? No siree. She's a hair hopper, that's what she is!
- Tracy Turnblad: Mother, we're watching "The Corny Collins Show".
- Edna Turnblad: Penny, your mother called all frantic. She said you are punished.
- Penny Pingleton: I'm always punished.
- Penny Pingleton: I'm just a little nervous.
- Tammy: This is show business young lady. If you're nervous now. Hah. Wait 'til you're on the air.
- Beatnik Chick: You two, checkerboard chick?
- Penny Pingleton: What?
- Beatnik Chick: You know, black and white? Salt and pepper?
- Penny Pingleton: Well, yes, I'm a checkerboard chick, I guess
- Penny Pingleton: Segregation never! lntegration now!
- Penny Pingleton, Mrs. Shipley, L'il Inez: Segregation never! lntegration now! Segregation never! lntegration now! Segregation never! lntegration now! Segregation never! lntegration now!
- [first lines]
- Tracy Turnblad: Come on! Come on!
- Penny Pingleton: Okay, all right.
- Tracy Turnblad: Will you hurry up?
- Tracy Turnblad: Hey, Penny, see the colored boy - the cute one? His mother is Motormouth Maybelle!
- Penny Pingleton: He's gorgeous!
- Motormouth Maybelle: Ooh, Papa tuney, we got a loony.
- Prudence Pingleton: Don't you try any of your voodoo spells on me, you native woman!
- Penny Pingleton: We're just dancing!
- Tracy Turnblad: Mrs. Pingleton, stop acting crazy! These are our friends.
- Penny Pingleton: [kiss] Oh, Seaweed, will integration ever come?
- Seaweed: Oh, Penny, my little white lily, we're outcast from both societies: black, white. Our love is taboo.
- Penny Pingleton: Oh, go to second! Go to second!
- Penny Pingleton: Miss Edna, can I come in? There's something you've both got to see.
- Edna Turnblad: Well, yeah, come on up; but, I've got ironing and Wilbur's working.
- Penny Pingleton: Mr. Turnblad!
- Edna Turnblad: It's not war with Cuba, is it? Or more negro problems?
- Penny Pingleton: No. You'll see.
- Edna Turnblad: Did poor Debbie Reynolds have a nervous breakdown? This better be good.