7 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 80CineVueChristopher MachellCineVueChristopher MachellOnce again, it’s an unadulterated pleasure to watch Chan and his stunt team at work, jumping, contorting and throwing the human form around in ways that simply don’t seem possible.
- 75Slant MagazineSlant MagazineThough ostensibly sub-Hitchcockian wrong-man mysteries, with a liberal serving of cop-drama clichés rounding out the narrative framework, the films are better enjoyed as purely cinematic catalogues of set pieces and sight gags, spectacles of breathless physical excess.
- 75TV Guide MagazineTV Guide MagazineThis sequel may be a bit thin on plot, but who cares when Jackie Chan is at his daredevil best?
- 70Los Angeles TimesJustin ChangLos Angeles TimesJustin ChangIf the choreography behind these intricate set-pieces is dauntingly complex, the satisfactions they produce could hardly be simpler.
- 67Austin ChronicleMarc SavlovAustin ChronicleMarc SavlovWhile neither as outlandish as its sequel, Police Story III: Supercop, nor as emotionally turbo-charged as the series opener, this second Ka-Kui adventure rests comfortably in-between the others, overflowing with Chan's patented stuntwork and comic high jinks, and as such, it's a fine introduction to the Jackie Chan phenomenon.
- 67The A.V. ClubNoel MurrayThe A.V. ClubNoel MurrayOpens with a montage of thrilling clips from its predecessor, then hits all the same notes, harder and duller.
- 60IGNScott ColluraIGNScott ColluraUsually the fight sequences are great but the movie itself is poor.