Lori Loughlin credited as playing...
- Winston: You know what you are? YOU are an egotistical, self-centered, little BRAT!
- Tara: That's terrific!
- [Bumps into guy on stairway]
- Tara: Excuse me, sir. Now if you'll both pardon me, sir. Do you win over a lot of girls this way, Winston?
- [Still can't get past the guy]
- Tara: I'm sorry, sir, we'll be out of your way in just one moment.
- Winston: Hey, you want to dance?
- Tara: What I want, Winston, is I want OUT of here and I want out NOW!
- Winston: Why? Don't you know how to dance?
- Winston: Did anything happen to you?
- Tara: Well, let's see. I was kidnapped, they stole my dress and I was driven over here in the trunk of a car. Did you mean besides that?
- Winston: Hey, give me a break here!
- Tara: Gee, am I overreacting? Well, I guess being sold into prostitution has made me a little edgy; or maybe it's the thought of almost losing my virtue to the Goodyear blimp - and then again it could be simply the sleazy feeling of vinyl against my skin.
- Tara: Danger? Oh, danger! Well, I shudder to think what the vice president of the astronomy club would call DANGER - what did you do, jaywalk or something?
- Winston: [tries to untie Tara] What have you got to wear?
- Tara: All I've got is a tube-top and a mini-skirt.
- Winston: It's *better* than nothing!
- Tara: Winston, tube-tops are out, and the mini-skirt is vinyl.