OK, i understand that this was a low budget film, but it is no excuse for it to be BAD in every way sense and form! First of all, the script is woeful. Dialogue is ridiculous and the scene's are all over the place. The acting follows suit being so PATHETICALLY delivered, not thought out in any way and rushed to everyone's best ability. Terry is the WORST mimer of O'Keefe's songs i could ever imagine. In no way or form does he look like he is singing the songs. He has obviously memorised JO'K's moves, but then applies these moves to the wrong songs. I'm sure Johnny O'Keefe did not bounce and shake his leg while singing "she wears my ring" or "Save the last dance". In addition to this, the story manages to successfully avoid O'Keefe's actual Career in the story of his life. I am not sure how it manages it, but in no way shape or form does it seem to cover his rise and fall and rise again in the Rock and Roll world! I cannot express how much pain this movie caused me to watch and how on earth i managed to sit through the whole thing without slashing vital arteries. An Australian icon such as JO'K deserved better