Liam Neeson credited as playing...
Franze-Otto Dietrich
- Franze-Otto Dietrich: [from car to Linda Voss who is walking alone and has just been fired by Horst Drescher] It's me, ze zoup.
- [points to his chest where Linda Voss had spilled soup on him earlier during the dinner]
- Franze-Otto Dietrich: He dismissed you?
- Linda Voss: Yes
- Franze-Otto Dietrich: Ze doves were raw.
- Linda Voss: I had no time, I arrived at 6:00.
- Franze-Otto Dietrich: [talking to Linda Voss about Horst Drescher and the dinner of raw dove] He ate ze whole thing to pwove it was edible.
- [laughs]
- Franze-Otto Dietrich: You should have seen him. Pompous little ass. Eating a raw bird.
- [shakes his head]