- Prescott Roe: He just stands over her corpse like a lost soul, watchin, speakin' tongues, guarding, as though she were still in the world.
- Eamon McCree: Well, he'll soon get over that business. You know how the heart goes. Give him time. After all, 'twas only his first wife.
- Reeves McCree: It shames me to be the son of a pig.
- Eamon McCree: You'll grow out of it. Just thank your stars you weren't born a half-breed like your demon sisters.
- Reeves McCree: You've got a lot of salt calling yourself a father at all.
- Eamon McCree: It was forced upon me by cruel nature. I never had a say in the business. No, sir! A father is not my calling in this life.
- Velada McCree: My sister is sending you her thoughts.
- Prescott Roe: Your sister is dead.
- Velada McCree: She is my mother's weapon. She's moving on you now with vengeance.
- Eamon McCree: I'm telling you now, if we don't turn back, their dogs'll be eatin' our testicles by nightfall.