This movie essentially incorporates elements of the first two films ("Superfly" and "Superfly T.N.T.") with "Youngblood Priest" (played by Nathan Purdee) still living in Europe and having just heard about the violent murder of his former partner "Eddie" (Rony Clanton). Although he has no great affection for him he still feels an obligation to find out who killed him. The problem is, that having been gone for almost ten years, Harlem has changed quite a bit and with very few friends to help him out the odds are stacked against him. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film was nowhere close to the original movie in that it didn't have the same depth or raw passion. It also had a couple of scenes that should have been detailed more thoroughly as well. In any case, while this movie certainly didn't measure up to its potential, I suppose it was adequate enough and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Average.