Sheryl Lee (after Twin Peaks and other David Lynch films) is still beautiful, still a little crazy, and still worth watching. No one (other than maybe Michelle Pfeiffer and Michelle Phillips) have eyes that are as sexy and alluring as Sheryl's. Moira Kelly (long before she grew up and had a role on The West Wing) is believable and a little scary. Cynthia Nixon (long before Sex in the City) has not changed at all in the past 10 years. She has a presence about her that makes her, while not beautiful, very sexy and intriguing. Any performance by Tobin Bell (watch him in The Firm) is always scary, suspenseful, and very entertaining. He only has a small part in this film but you won't forget it. And Gerry Bamman also has a small, but effective, part. If you are a fan of Law & Order, you've seen Gerry many, many times. This film is not yet available on video or DVD but has aired several times on CourtTV. My rating is only a 6 overall but for suspense, it gets a 7 and for not being able to figure out the ending until late in the film, it gets a 9.