This is a fine piece of work by any measure: even though the animation looks old now, and was not dazzling even in its day, it is well suited to the story: dark but stately, intense at points without letting the gore get out of hand or using it for simple shock value, and aptly conveying the tension as the story of the secluded mansion's residents unfolds. Fans of the manga(comic) will find it a special treat, with faithful renderings of many of the original's most memorable imagery.
But this serves only to frame the story itself, a tale of greed, love, obsession, and the perils of trying to change one's destiny. The mansion's residents and regular guest are portrayed simply but more than adequately, each coming to life as a real and sympathetic character in even their darkest moments. Yuta and Mana, as the protagonists and in many ways observers, are at least not bland in their role, but in their portrayal lies one problem that leaves the whole somewhat unbalanced. As mentioned this work is based upon the comic of the same name, which is part of an ongoing series. Yuta's background, explained earlier in the story, was included as a well-placed flashback as well as mentions in other places, but Mana's, the subject of the first story in the series, is never touched upon. To one who does not know the reasons for her personality and reactions, they can be confusing and even nonsensical: while some attempt was made to portray her more "normally" in order to sidestep the issue, it does not solve it.
All in all, it is a good film, but only an excellent one to those who have read the earlier stories of the series.