This was one of a series done by Director Deborah Shames who had always wanted to make erotica specifically for women. It was shot on a shoestring budget and yet has far better values than one might expect.
The acting was quite good, the script was charming with a lot of humour in it. And the sex scenes were done with great taste. The consultant for the film was Dr. Lonnie Barbach, an expert on women's sexuality issues. Comments from viewers at the time were universally good. Women were particularly appreciative of the video and many men were surprised at what a turn on it was without specific sexual shots.
The film was extremely well received and went straight to the video stores and cable. It ran on, among others, the Playboy Channel. As an only 45 minute video, Shames was told it would never make it to cable and would probably sell 2000 copies over it's life.
Surprise, surprise, it's still available and, last time I checked, had sold in the neighbourhood of 50,000 copies.
Shames was interviewed for People Magazine and got a great writeup. She was also sued by a division of American Tobacco Company, Cabin Fever Productions, claiming her sexually oriented film brought disrepute on their name. Despite the ton of money brought to bear against Shames, she gained great publicity for the film and CFP finally settled for a disclaimer on the front of the video saying it had nothing to do with them.
One of the early excellent ones treating women's sexuality with respect and taste.