Kyra Sedgwick credited as playing...
Felicia Potter
- Felicia Potter: One of the family members is totally bonkers! Connie has become a holy-rolling, bible-belting, religious nut!
- Felicia Potter: So, there I was, with nothing except this little tiny orange bikini and my goose bumps! And they kept on spraying me. So that I would look wet, you know, like from the sea wet. Only it was so cold - that the water actually froze on my body. So all the later shots had me look like these icicles. And they couldn't use any of the shots. That's how glamorous modeling is.
- Dr. Werner Ernst: End my medical career? Do you have any idea what's taken me to get this far?
- Felicia Potter: It doesn't matter.
- Dr. Werner Ernst: Doesn't matter? Ten years of college. 120,000 dollars in tuition. A year of hell working as an intern for no money. Two years as a resident. Still no money, but the hours are even worse. 110, 120 hours a week. Never enough sleep. Never any time for myself. It doesn't matter?