Sarah Harding : You know, I have made a career out of waiting for you.
Kelly Malcolm : You know, Sarah does have a pretty good p...
Dr. Ian Malcolm : It's so important to your future that you not finish that sentence.
Kelly Malcolm : She doesn't even have Sega. She's such a troglodyte.
Dr. Ian Malcolm : Cruel, but good word use.
Dr. Ian Malcolm : I'll be right back. I give you my word.
Kelly Malcolm : [pounds her fists on the railing] But you *never* keep your word!
Kelly Malcolm : Dad, are you mad?
Dr. Ian Malcolm : No, I'm not mad - I'm furious!
[Looks around the messy trailer]
Dr. Ian Malcolm : What is this? This looks like your room.
Kelly Malcolm : Boy she's mad at you.
Dr. Ian Malcolm : I feel sorry for that guy Enrique.
Dr. Ian Malcolm : Okay, we're high. And, uh, this is the safest place you can be, I think. Remember what Sarah said before, these plants make it so the animals won't even know you're here.
Kelly Malcolm : You're just trying to make me feel better. I remember all those stories you told me.
Dr. Ian Malcolm : Oh, no, no. This is nothing like that. We're in a completely different situation right now.
[hearing a Tyrannosaurus roar]
Dr. Ian Malcolm : Eddie, is there any way we can communicate with the trailers?
[Eddie hands him a landline receiver]
Nick Van Owen : [in the trailer, helping Sarah treat an injured T-Rex baby] He's moving again. Give more morphine.
Sarah Harding : We have no idea what his metabolism is. We'll kill him with too much. We'll put him into respiratory arrest.
[the landline rings and Nick moves to answer it]
Sarah Harding : Nick, I need your hands here. Right here. Put some pressure there.
Dr. Ian Malcolm : No answer. What a surprise.
Kelly Malcolm : I'm your daughter all the time, you know. You can't just abandon me whenever opportunity knocks.
Dr. Ian Malcolm : Gee, that hurts my feelings. Did your mom tell you to say that?
Kelly Malcolm : You practically told me to come here.
Dr. Ian Malcolm : I... I what?
Kelly Malcolm : You said to me, "Don't listen to me." I thought you were, like, trying to tell me something or...
Dr. Ian Malcolm : Kelly, Kelly. You knew exactly what I was talking about. You have no idea...
Sarah Harding : What, you want to lock her up for curiosity? Where do you think she gets it?
Kelly Malcolm : Thank you, Sarah.
Dr. Ian Malcolm : Hey, don't start the teaming-up thing about this. Out of the conversation. Please. Really.
Kelly Malcolm : [to Ian] You like to have kids but you don't want to be with them, do you?
Kelly Malcolm : Carry Me