2 reviews
Jackie Guerra is a latina role model and achieved no small feat in just getting her own sitcom. Making it enjoyable and funny was an even better accomplishment. Having a ratings success, alas, was never in the cards. Remember, this was back in the first days of the WB network. Hardly a fair shot. Hopefully she'll get another one. Not only a latin-amercian female, she is also of rubenesque proportions, so the odds are against. Hopefully her great sense of humor will help this very beautiful woman grace our television sets again.
This show was a good, short program on the WB. What a big step for Chicanas by Jackie Guerra. It is a shame that not many people were able to see this talented woman do such a great job on a television show. Not only was is it comical, but there weren't any Chicanos playing the janitor, the maid, or the seductress. Good job Jackie.