One of many (and one of the first) Japanese anime television series that became popular beginning in the 1960's. Anime, based on the Japanese-style of manga comic books and novels, had a characteristic animation style that usually featured round faces, overly large eyes, choppy animation (apparently due to lower frame rates than 24 or 29.96 fps which is typical for historically smooth animation), inaccurate visual speech patterns, and unusual facial expressions that accompanied short vocal outbursts of surprise or anger. Anime, because it was Japanese dubbed into English, did not have well synchronized audio-video in its speech, similar to the soon to come at the time big martial arts movies featuring greats such as Bruce Lee. Other anime series from this time-frame that also share most if not all of the above animation traits include Astroboy, Speed Racer, and Kimba the White Lion, among others. Many of those same animation styles can also be found in Japanese-based video games including the Final Fantasy series of video games.