- rogerebert.com [Roger Ebert]
- New York Times [Anita Gates]
- San Francisco Chronicle [Peter Stack]
- Screen It! (spoilers)
- Austin Chronicle [Marjorie Baumgarten]
- Blu-ray Authority - DVD [Fusion3600]
- Chicago Tribune [John Petrakis]
- Christian Spotlight on the Movies [Peter Wright]
- Cinema Crazed [Felix Vasquez Jr.]
- Common Sense Media [Renee Schonfeld]
- Deseret News [Jeff Vice]
- Film Guru Lad [RadDingo]
- Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights [Bubbawheat]
- Hartford Courant [Malcolm Johnson]
- Los Angeles Times [Kevin Thomas]
- Movie Mavericks [Jason Rugaard]
- Nitrate Online [Elias Savada]
- outlawvern.com [Vern]
- Preview Online [Mary Draughon]
- Seattle Times [Keith Simanton]
- Splicedwire
- Supercult Show [Cameron]
- SUTEKH07 [Jason Sutekh]
- The Spokesman-Review [Robert Philpot]
- The Unknown Movies [Keith Bailey]
- Time Out [NB]
- TV Guide [Maitland McDonagh]
- Variety [Lael Loewenstein]
- Video Librarian [M.K. Lau]
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