This film should finally be released in America. In fact, there should be an American remake, yes! It is such a charming, hopeful, witty and entertaining film, for all ages. I am surprised it wasn't ever released in America(!) IT SHOULD BE! Sorry, but I just don't see the French market as appreciating and giving worthy respects to such a fantastic and imaginative film from a French Filmmaker of their own (they seem to only give recognition to American filmmakers in this respect). But trust an American viewer, if you want to see an uplifting film, without any violence or profanity, the kind of film that leaves you smiling on your way out of the cinema, go see "Que La Lumiere Soit", (Let There Be Light). I am sure they sell it on the internet. Remember, if you live in America, make sure you buy one of those Multi-Standard DVD Viewers, because if you don't have one already, you are unfortunately missing out on so many wonderful foreign films, like this one here by the Great Arthur Joffe.