When McNeil, and Gemmel are retrieving the Virus from the storage area. It shows an exterior shot of Gemmel using what looks like a laser pointer to cut the hatch of the virus storage unit. The exterior shot shows her just tracing a circle very fast around the edge of the hatch with no smoke, or evidence of the laser cutting the metal. Yet the interior shot that they keep jumping to shows the circle being cut slower. It also shows not only smoke, but burning metal as would be seen when using a cutting torch.
When McNeil, and Gemmel are retrieving the Virus from the storage area. It shows an exterior shot of Gemmel using what looks like a laser pointer to cut the hatch of the virus storage unit. It shows her cutting a huge circle that's wider then the hatch, and an interior shot of the laser cutting a circle into the storage container. Yet in the next shot the hatch opens as normal with no evidence of the storage unit having ever been cut into.
When bill is clearing the presidential suite in one room he has his hand straight and starts to move his arm back up near his body but in t he next scene his arm is straight again.
At the end of the movie McNeil jumps onto a small plane using the same magnetic gloves he used at the beginning of the film. Smaller aircrafts are made out of aluminum and he should only have stuck to areas of the plane that had frame, and not the entire length of the outside panel.
At the end of the movie McNeil is riding on top of limo. Close up shots show McNeil standing, but long shots are of stunt man who is kneeling, and rising. They jump back and forth several times in this scene.