Tim McInnerny credited as playing...
Tony Hawes
- Tony Hawes: He doesn't do things by the book, Ron. He just doesn't respect the rules. Is he really the kind of person we should be employing at Barings?
- Ron Baker: Oh, fuck the rules, Tony. It's barrow boys like Nick who are turning the City of London around. You can't run a modern financial centre with a bunch of Hooray Henries.
- Tony Hawes: You're down for 450, aren't you? Your bonus? Only a week to go.
- Nick Leeson: Sorry?
- Tony Hawes: Have you thought about what you're going to do with it? Only a week to go.
- Nick Leeson: [taps his glass and rises] Excuse me, I have an announcement to make. I know that some of you are worried about our exposure in the market and you're probably wondering about the identity of our mystery customer X. Well, the fact is he doesn't exist. We are the customer, Barings. And if you look properly at the five eights account, which is not a client account at all, it's an errors account, you'll realise that it's concealing losses in the region of 200 million pounds. No, I tell a lie, it's more like 230 after today.
- [shocked, the executives abruptly vomit into their dinners. The picture fades back to a few moments earlier as Nick emerges from a daydream]
- Tony Hawes: Only a week to go. What are you going to do with all that money?
- Nick Leeson: Well, I'm not going to spend it on futures and options.
- [everyone else laughs]