- Trunks: [to Super Android 13] You know what's funny about the future? You're no where to be seen. You're not in the future because you die right here and now - TODAY!
- [unsheathes his sword]
- Android 13: [to Trunks] I don't care about your thirty dollar haircut!
- [shouts]
- Android 13: Goku dies!
- [#14 and #15 are watching Goku eat]
- Android 15: Time for the last course.
- Android 14: Let's serve it up good.
- [They fire their twin blast]
- Android 13: Now, I can't believe that the great Goku is catching an ass whoopin' from those boys! If he can't even handle the Indians, why bring out the Chief?
- Vejita: [2003 AB Groupe dub, to Goku] Be under no illusions get one thing clear. I have not come here to help you and save your life. I am here for one reason, I am going to kill you. I won't give up that privilege to anyone you understand? Especially a bunch of useless robots, killing you is an honor reserved for a great warrior!
- Android 13: [2003 AB Groupe dub] Heh, one more stupid human who can't wait to meet his death. Well so be it. Number 15, dispose of this idiot!
- Vejita: [2003 AB Groupe dub, to Android 13 after the other androids blow up] Hehe, so in the end you robots are just a pile of junk.
- Android 13: 13. That's your unlucky number. And I'm not talking about silly superstition; I'm talking about yours truly.