The original name of the non-human natives of the Myst universe, and their city, was spelled "Dunny" (this can be seen in some of the original Myst game filenames). This was changed to "D'Ni" when it was realized that this was a commonly used Australian slang term for toilet, although the pronunciation is still the same.
On February 5, 2014, Cyan released a full HD remake called RealMyst: Masterpiece Edition (2014) to honor the twentieth anniversary of the game.
With over 10 million copies of Myst sold, it is one of the best-selling PC games.
Myst is the best-selling game of all time. Over the course of a few years, it stayed on PC Data's top ten list. The game's non-violence (the creators are both pious Christians), simplicity, and amazing graphics contributed to its success. Myst was also responsible for many people buying a CD-ROM drive for their computers.
The unusual spelling comes from a shortening of "The Mysterious Island", a Jules Verne novel and prequel to "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" which the Miller brothers' father read to them when they were young. The story, about a group of people who become marooned on the island home of Captian Nemo formed the inspiration for the game and in particular its location.