A great short film. Like many others on here I am fairly desensitised to "shock" films after watching absurd tripe like: August Underground Mordum, A Serbian Film (uncut version), Salo e.t.c and plenty of graphic footage off the internet.
This film is great on so many levels and is not overestimated like some morons on here would have you believe. They moan about it being low budget and crappy special effects and bad actors! Well surprise idiots! It is a low budget and very short film......Duh
The point I am trying to make is that even with the cheapo special effects this film still gets across its message hard and that just the thought of what she was doing was graphic enough for me. Another analogy I have is that a good game does not need good graphics for it to succeed or be enjoyed, the game play is what matters.
It starts off slow and boring for a reason and if you don't get why you really are a lost cause and should go back to watching your run of the mill "shock" films. The lack of dialogue just adds to the suspense and intensiveness of the build up.
All in all a great short film that I rate up there with the best "Horrors". It is funny that the most shocking gut wrenching films that I have ever seen are not horror or shock films but about real events that have happened. No film has ever moved me so emotionally or shocked me or disgusted me than "The Stoning of Soroya M" this is no horror film but the most "Horrific" film I have ever seen.