A blonde, steel thewed, magisterially mullet'd champion from the distant future, Mason (Robert Chapin) valiantly battles myriad deadly foe during his bloody quest for a plague vaccine which leads him jarringly to L. A. circa 1999. Being hugely fond of Richard Lynch, and heroically time travelling, dextrously sword slinging saviours of mankind, I approached 90s DTV oddity 'Dragon Fury' with far less trepidation than many would. Dragon Fury remains an energetic, derivative, conspicuously low budget, mostly enjoyable distillation of pulpy Sci-fantasy tropes. In truth, the cheapnis aesthetic, unlovely dialogue, school play costuming, and boisterously lofi fight choreography is manifestly part of its enduring B-Movie appeal.
If you are not already down with this mirthsome mode of garishly recycled action twaddle, then Dragon Fury surely won't change your mind. That said, psychotronic gluttons are in for a bona fide feast, as the glutinously goofy ingredients herein are most generously proportioned! Once again, tyro Thespian, Richard Lynch turns a base mental villainy into gold, Lynch's sublime talent lending undeserving gravitas to his otherwise risible bad guy monologuing. The director's choice of L. A.s more insalubrious looking backstreets proves effective, textually giving a grungier edge to the clunkily Kung Fu'd, time-shifting, SCI-schlocker Dragon Fury!