Shadow Raiders (TV Series 1998–1999) Poster


Garry Chalk: Emperor Femur


  • Graveheart : Your kindness is appreciated.

    Femur : ...and it better be...

  • Femur : Think you and me could make a deal in private, tots?

    Jade : Your hand... remove it... or lose it.

  • Femur : Guards! Arrest them! Sorry, kid. Fun's over.

  • Femur : What's her name?

    Guard : She is Tekkla. She was injured in the battle while saving our king.

    Femur : Too bad. I wouldn't mind getting my way with her!

  • Lamprey : The boy... he's dangerous.

    Femur : Yeah! To teenage girls!

  • Prince Pyrus : Blaze, you have to stop this! There's no way the Alliance is gonna let you steal a battle moon!

    Blaze : By the time they realized what has happened... it will be too late.

    Femur : Ha! They're probably comin' after your blazin' butt right now!

  • Graveheart : Moon Over Mayhem? Jade must be crazy!

    Femur : Ha! Could have told you that much ago, ace.

  • Femur : Cryos, I hope you know what you're doing!

    Cryos : I would feel more confident if I could SEE what I'm doing.

  • Femur : That was real clever, doll. Getting me to grovel like that so he'd change his mind. How did you think of that?

    Jade : I didn't.

    Femur : You're joking right? Right?

See also

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