Sun, Aug 2, 1998
Jamal the Frog finds out that he's responsible for watching his little tadpole sister Polly, Polly decides to take a swim in the toilet. Thatta Boy and Zio, team up with Polly, and Thatta Boy's girlfriend, to fight battles. Poor, Hobart goes to extremes to impress his silly girlfriend, Okra, by buying her a puppy to replace the toaster that she walks. After chasing the escaped puppy into the septic system, Hobart comes across a crazy gremlin, a gigantic hungry tree frog, and a large mosquito.
Sun, Sep 20, 1998
Urp, an alien quickly became a freak attraction for people who won't accept him for who he really is. Boy holds the only thing that will help him make it back to his advanced and superior planet. When a gigantic mackerel is unleashed from the depths of the sea Youngstar and his sidekicks, Shero and Old Man, arrive on the scene just in time to save the town from destruction. Little Guy and Big Guy go on a job search with no experience and get into one mess after another.
Sun, Sep 27, 1998
Snap takes Rudy and Penny to see Queen Rapsheeba û ChalkzoneÆs Own Torrid Zone û appearing in the hip hop version of "Rapunsel." The show is going great until a lightening bolt destroys the theatre. Zoey, a self-sufficient little girl, begs her neglectful mom to let her buy another animal for her already oversized zoo. When her pet isnÆt delivered right away, she calls back and orders again. And again. And again. By the time her animals are delivered, sheÆs got more than she can handle.