An amusing and succulently thrilling incident between two lively groups of enthusiastic excursionists in the sun-kissed island of Poros will prepare the ground for a brief but promising romantic interlude, as Aliki, the vibrant daughter of the Hellenic Naval Academy's commander, and Kostas, a fourth-year naval cadet, are clearly meant for each other. However, one thing leads to another, and the frustration of an unkept promise paired with an insuppressible youthful rebellion will give rise to an unprecedented act of love, as the well-armed Greek destroyer, Aetos, receives an uninvited and highly unlikely new sailor. But, is a sleek and powerful warship the ideal place to nurture a dangerous clandestine romance? Only a severe case of high-degree myopia may do the trick--either way--this is definitely a chance worth taking.
—Nick Riganas