The last episode produced ended with the written words "Continuará..." on the screen which mean "Will continue," however, that sixth episode remained as the last episode, never was the production resumed.
Doña Benita tells Celia that she and her brother "came from Paris, France" even though both of them had been born in Madrid, Spain. In those days, it was common to say that Spanish children from wealthy, upper-class families came from Paris.
The Spanish channel and producer of these series, Televisión Española, often broadcast it in black and white to give a deeper feeling of the 1930's, where the story takes place.
The name of the school that Celia and the other girls attend is engraved on a plaque by the door; it is called Colegio del Sagrado Corazón de María ("School of the Sacred Heart of [the Virgin] Mary").
Director/scriptwriter José Luis Borau and author Carmen Martín Gaite completed a total of fourteen scripts based on Elena Fortún's novels, but only six of them were eventually used prior to the series' cancellation.