The movie is great actually. Forget it in terms of a rating because it is not about that so much as, how would you feel if you lost a treasured photo album. In other words, if you are around 50, you cannot look at that movie without a warm recollection of yesteryear... times have changed. When did we get so huge physically, let alone lose all our hair, young or old. Valuable little movie, and oh yeah, an eternal message just happens to be included. It suggests a kinder way to witness. We are a nation of humans and we have the right to share our faith with others. If Christians are effective, then we become a nation with more Christians, but we are not a Christian nation, instead we are a people in an economic democracy that still holds the right to share our faith with others. Whe we are afraid to do so, because of some church/state mindset or because it is intolerant to witness, then we are being controlled by some other belief. We should all witness what we believe, it that is part of your faith, and may the truth prevail.